The Resources Nook
Discover valuable insights into early childhood data and measurement with our collection of blogs, reports, presentations, articles, and briefs curated by ECD Measure and our esteemed partners.
BEQI: Evidence for Subscales
Using a dataset of more than 800 observations of early childhood settings conducted by trained observers, we assessed the evidence for the modules we use to summarize BEQI results. We were interested in determining whether proposed underlying constructs of play-based learning, learning through conversations, and promoting strong relationships were supported by the data.
Enhancing Early Childhood Education Quality Through Data-Driven Approaches in Guinea-Bissau
In 2024, ECD Measure collaborated with the Guinea-Bissau Ministry of Education and UNICEF to strengthen the country’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) systems through two key initiatives: the development of a Quality Assurance System (QAS) and leveraging BEQI (Brief Early Childhood Quality Inventory) classroom observation data to support ECE educators. These efforts are paving the way for improved ECE quality by integrating data-driven practices and empowering educators with actionable insights.
Virtual Quality Improvement in Early Childhood: Virtual Observations, Goal Setting, and Text Messaging to Promote Adoption of Evidence-based Practices
This published study shows that by providing targeted virtual feedback and support, BEQI Together in Practice can help childcare professionals improve their practices, and in turn, create more positive and engaging learning environments for children.
Government Monitoring of Early Childhood Education Practices in The Gambia, Uganda, and Zambia
This brief is intended to support country-level early childhood stakeholders to communicate the purpose of BEQI, the importance of key evidence-based practices in early childhood care and education, and results from the BEQI pilot in The Gambia, Uganda, and Zambia
Together for Early Childhood Evidence Supports Five Research Projects in Africa
This brief provides an overview of country-led T4ECE research projects focused on addressing gaps in evidence and data-driven decision-making in Ethiopia, Liberia, Malawi, Rwanda, and South Africa.
Quality and inequality in pre-primary and home environment inputs to early childhood development in Egypt
This paper examines how pre-primary quality, stimulation at home, and early childhood development vary by socioeconomic status for pre-primary students in Egypt. The results demonstrate substantial socioeconomic inequality in stimulation at home, more so than in pre-primary quality and inputs, although there is variation in the degree of inequality across different dimensions of pre-primary quality.
Early Childhood Education in Brazil: Child Rights to ECE in Context of Great Disparities
This case study explores access to quality early childhood education (ECE) for children aged four to six years. We describe the economic and policy contexts of ECE in Brazil, with emphasis on the role of ECE in addressing regional, racial/ethnic, and economic disparities.
Overview of the BEQI: Together in Practice System
BEQI: Together in Practice is an easy-to-use system designed to help monitor and improve early childhood programs through evidence-based practices. At the core of the system is the Brief Early Childhood Quality Inventory (BEQI), an adaptable, proven tool that is already helping early childhood programs for children from birth to age five in 18 countries monitor environments and practices.
Results Brief - BEQI: Together in Practice Feedback and Goalsetting with Childcare Educators
Use of evidence-based practices in out of home childcare settings can promote healthy development in young children. The goal of our study was to test the use of the BEQI: Together in Practice system in changing behaviors of childcare educators to adopt more evidence-based practices.
Using Early Childhood Data and Measurement to Leverage Change: Are We Making Progress
As countries make continued investments in early childhood care and education (ECCE) systems, data and measurement play a critical role in outlining strengths and areas for improvement. To promote data-driven decision making across all levels of early childhood systems, measurement must be valid, reliable, and feasible, especially when used at scale.
Snapshot of ECCE Quality Assurance Systems in Africa
In 2021, ECD Measure and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) partnered together to review the status of ECCE QAS in Africa by surveying ministries of education. In 2022, a followup survey was conducted to gather additional information about QAS implementation issues.
Profiles of Quality In Three Distinct Early Childhood Programs Using The Brief Early Childhood Quality Inventory (BEQI)
Drawing on principles of mixed methods design, this study reports on a new approach to ECCE quality measurement: the Brief Early Childhood Quality Inventory. Using data from the USA, Liberia, and Colombia, results indicate variation in the items perceived as highly relevant to each setting and in the characteristics of classrooms including the degree of child autonomy, the types of activities, and in child/educator interactions and dialogue.
Promoting Evidence-based Decision Making for Early Childhood Education
In 2021 and 2022, Together for Early Childhood Evidence provided four country grants in Ethiopia, Liberia, Rwanda and South Africa to support local research activities to inform programmatic and policy decisions facing early childhood education (ECE). These projects brought together policymakers, researchers and practitioners committed to testing and applying new approaches to data use. This brief summarizes the four country-led research activities addressing gaps in data-driven decision making in sub-Saharan Africa.
Early Childhood Care & Education Quality Assurance Systems in Africa
High-quality early childhood care and education can lead to long-term positive impacts on children’s learning and well-being. This report reviews the status of early childhood care and education (ECCE) quality assurance systems in Africa. Our recent survey of ministries of education in 14 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa ministries of education revealed the following…
Measuring Quality of Pre-primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evaluation of the Measuring Early Learning Environments Scale
Measurement of quality in early childhood education (ECE) helps shape policy and practice, yet few studies have examined the adaptation and resulting psychometric properties of ECE quality measures when used in low- and middle-income countries. This study reports on the adaptation of the Measure of Early Learning Environments scale (MELE-A), developed as part of the Measuring Early Learning Quality & Outcomes (MELQO) Initiative, in one sub-Saharan African country.
Data for Impact in ECE Technical Guide
Guide developed through the Consortium on Pre-Primary Data and Measurement in Africa (CPDMA). Outlines a framework for developing and using high-impact data in ECE systems.
Educação Infantil em Boa Vista
Results from early childhood study in Boa Vista, Brazil (in Portuguese).
The Measuring Early Learning Quality & Outcomes initiative: purpose, process and results
Describes the process of creating the MELQO tools, summarizes results from psychometric evaluation, and provides examples of how the data have been used to reveal patterns of inequity and levels of learning and classroom quality.
Bernard vanLeer Foundation Get ready for data toolkit
A tool to guide data use to serve babies, toddlers, and the people who care for them.
Quality Standards and Quality Assurance Systems for Pre-Primary Education
In recent years, government and parental investments in pre-primary education have expanded dramatically in many parts of the world. Despite the overall increase in the number of children accessing pre-primary education, in many countries, pre-primary enrollment rates remain unequal, with more access to pre-primary education for children in higher-income countries and families. This publication is a white paper on early childhood service quality standards and quality assurance systems for pre-primary education.