The Resources Nook
Discover valuable insights into early childhood data and measurement with our collection of blogs, reports, presentations, articles, and briefs curated by ECD Measure and our esteemed partners.
A Spotlight on Ethiopia’s Knowledge Hub
In this blog, we hear from Dr. Menelik Desta, Executive Director of ESRI, and Professor Belay Kibret of Addis Ababa University as they discuss the T4ECE task force team's experience in synthesizing and compiling ECDE evidence and resources in Ethiopia.
Generating and using local data for improved early childhood education systems in Africa
As part of the 2022 CIES conference, Together for Early Childhood Evidence led a panel focused on country-led research activities in Ethiopia, Liberia, Rwanda and South Africa that support strengthening and developing effective early childhood monitoring and measurement systems.
Newsletter: April 2022 Updates & Insights
Stay informed with our latest monthly newsletter featuring April 2022 updates, insights, and news in early childhood care and education. Explore valuable resources, articles, and announcements to empower your work and stay connected with ECD Measure and our global community.
Taking a Human-Centered Design Approach to Early Childhood Measurement and Data
This blog focuses on our team's work using human-centered design to think about how measurement tools and systems can respond to the needs of early childhood teachers and providers.
Early Childhood Care & Education Quality Assurance Systems in Africa
High-quality early childhood care and education can lead to long-term positive impacts on children’s learning and well-being. This report reviews the status of early childhood care and education (ECCE) quality assurance systems in Africa. Our recent survey of ministries of education in 14 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa ministries of education revealed the following…
Data in the Driver’s Seat: Using Data to Shape Decisions on Pre-Primary Education in Rwanda
In this blog we hear from Save the Children Rwanda as they, with the support of T4ECE, collect for the first time ever nationally representative data on the quality of pre-primary and primary classroom and children's learning outcomes.
Newsletter: September 2021 Updates & Insights
Stay informed with our latest monthly newsletter featuring September 2021 updates, insights, and news in early childhood care and education. Explore valuable resources, articles, and announcements to empower your work and stay connected with ECD Measure and our global community.
Newsletter: July 2021 Updates & Insights
Stay informed with our latest monthly newsletter featuring July 2021 updates, insights, and news in early childhood care and education. Explore valuable resources, articles, and announcements to empower your work and stay connected with ECD Measure and our global community.
Relationship-building practices and social-emotional development in Liberian Preschools: Our findings using the BEQI observation tool
This blog features work in Liberia to adapt and use ECD Measure's Brief Early Childhood Quality Inventory (BEQI) to help Liberian researchers and policymakers understand the current state of preschool quality and make choices about how to improve.
Quality in Public & Private Early Childhood Care and Education Settings in Sub-Saharan Africa
Presentation on quality in public and private early childhood care and education settings, including responses to: What are characteristics of children attending public vs. private ECCE? How do teacher qualifications vary by private and public settings? How is parent cost associated with observed quality? Do families get what they pay for?
Newsletter: April 2021 Updates & Insights
Stay informed with our latest monthly newsletter featuring April 2021 updates, insights, and news in early childhood care and education. Explore valuable resources, articles, and announcements to empower your work and stay connected with ECD Measure and our global community.
Ethiopia Builds its First National Assessment of Pre-primary Education
This blog highlights the process and experience of building Ethiopia’s first national study of early childhood quality and outcomes using the MELQO.
Ten Countries Take a School-driven Approach to Measuring and Improving Preschool Quality
We now know that quality early childhood programs can have a lasting positive impact. But we know less about how to translate that science into workable solutions for programs around the world. While there is increasing interest in measuring the quality of preschool environments, a challenge comes in creating feedback loops where quality data lead to improved teaching and learning processes.
Learning Through Play: Insights from Measuring Early Learning Quality & Outcomes (MELQO)
We’re increasingly recognizing the power of play for children. Children learn best when they are supported to deeply engage with their surroundings and other people, when they are given the opportunity to explore and try things out, and when they can internalize and make meaning of what they are learning.
Newsletter: January 2021 Updates & Insights
Stay informed with our latest monthly newsletter featuring January 2021 updates, insights, and news in early childhood care and education. Explore valuable resources, articles, and announcements to empower your work and stay connected with ECD Measure and our global community.
Nebraska Early Childhood Collaborative Partnership to Support Family Child Care Providers
Family child care is extremely important to many families with young children. Often run by independent small business owners, family child care providers balance caring for children with all of the functions of running a small business. To help support these critical early childhood professionals, ECD Measure has partnered with the Nebraska Early Childhood Collaborative (NECC) to use the Brief Early Quality Inventory (BEQI) observation tool and BEQI self-assessment as part of NECC’s new Family Child Care Network initiative to providers in Nebraska.
South Africa works toward a national ECE data system while adapting to COVID-19
The main goal of having early childhood education (ECE) data is to inform planning, resource allocation, and support, and to address the challenges of quality and access. The South Africa team completed CPDMA Diagnostic Toolkit in 2019 and identified data needs at two levels: service delivery (for parents, teachers and school administrators) and policy level (for district-, state- and national-level governments).
Collecting data to inform the scaling up of ECE in Mozambique
Mozambique is at a critical moment for early childhood education (ECE). Following the large-scale pilot of a community-based ECE program (known by its Portuguese acronym DICIPE- Desenvolvimento Integral da Criança em Idade Pré-Escolar), the country is now planning for the future scale-up of ECE interventions. A series of three separate evaluations of the pilot—a Process Evaluation, an Impact Evaluation, and a Costing Exercise—are in progress to help improve program quality and inform the scaling up of services.
Exploring Scales of Quality in Early Childhood Environments
In recent years, more and more children worldwide have access to pre-primary education. As access expands, it’s important to keep our attention focused on quality – the elements of the learning environment that determine children’s experiences in early childhood education. Quality can be viewed from a child’s viewpoint – what she gets to do during the day; how she feels about her teachers and friends; and whether she has opportunities to stretch and grow while receiving help when she needs it.
Newsletter: October 2020 Updates & Insights
Stay informed with our latest monthly newsletter featuring October 2020 updates, insights, and news in early childhood care and education. Explore valuable resources, articles, and announcements to empower your work and stay connected with ECD Measure and our global community.