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Discover valuable insights into early childhood data and measurement with our collection of blogs, reports, presentations, articles, and briefs curated by ECD Measure and our esteemed partners.
Enhancing Early Childhood Education Quality Through Data-Driven Approaches in Guinea-Bissau
In 2024, ECD Measure collaborated with the Guinea-Bissau Ministry of Education and UNICEF to strengthen the country’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) systems through two key initiatives: the development of a Quality Assurance System (QAS) and leveraging BEQI (Brief Early Childhood Quality Inventory) classroom observation data to support ECE educators. These efforts are paving the way for improved ECE quality by integrating data-driven practices and empowering educators with actionable insights.
Snapshot of ECCE Quality Assurance Systems in Africa
In 2021, ECD Measure and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) partnered together to review the status of ECCE QAS in Africa by surveying ministries of education. In 2022, a followup survey was conducted to gather additional information about QAS implementation issues.
Early Childhood Care & Education Quality Assurance Systems in Africa
High-quality early childhood care and education can lead to long-term positive impacts on children’s learning and well-being. This report reviews the status of early childhood care and education (ECCE) quality assurance systems in Africa. Our recent survey of ministries of education in 14 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa ministries of education revealed the following…
Quality Standards and Quality Assurance Systems for Pre-Primary Education
In recent years, government and parental investments in pre-primary education have expanded dramatically in many parts of the world. Despite the overall increase in the number of children accessing pre-primary education, in many countries, pre-primary enrollment rates remain unequal, with more access to pre-primary education for children in higher-income countries and families. This publication is a white paper on early childhood service quality standards and quality assurance systems for pre-primary education.
National Early Childhood Care and Education Quality Monitoring Systems
This brief describes current country practices related to setting standards and monitoring the quality of early childhood care and education (ECCE) learning environments.